Monday, November 8, 2010

Going trick or treating through the hospital.

Kami had to go back to the hospital sooner than expected, on Friday instead of today. She had an infection around her port that needed attention. Today she is slotted to have surgery to place another port in her chest, in a different spot, and then receive round 3 of chemo later tonight.

My mom went to visit her last night and said Kami looked really good.

Some of the things Kami did while my mom was there:
-called mom on her cell 10 minutes before she got to the hospital to say hi and to tell my mom she was in the "hopital"
-asked to go for a walk with ther wagon and walked without the wagon a lot
-played/walked in the hospital's playroom
-played with Shannon and Bristol

My mom said she looked the best she has in a while. Her body is recovering well and adjusting great and her counts are going up as hoped. The surgeon said her tumor has shrunk "signifcantly!"

Today she is looking good. She will get knocked back down with round 3. Here's hoping her body recovers easily.


  1. Woohoo! I've been waiting to see the purple hair. Looks good, Kami. :)

  2. yeah! We have been thinking of Kami and praying for her and the family. It's so good to see her doing better. Great jon on the post and the auction, thanks for keeping us updated!
